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Left, Right, Center Dice Game Rules

How To Play Dice Game Left Right Center
Left, Right, Center Dice Game Rules

What is Left, Right, Center (LRC)?

Left, Right, Center (LRC) is a fast-paced dice game that requires at least three players. It is a game of luck that can be played by both children and adults alike. The aim of the game is to collect the most chips by the end of the game. The game is simple, easy to learn and can be played in around 20 minutes.

How to Play Left, Right, Center (LRC)

To begin the game, each player receives three chips. Each player then rolls three dice. An LRC dice roll is determined by the number on each die. The player then distributes their chips according to the roll: one chip is placed to the left, one to the right, and one in the center. The player then passes the dice to the next player. This continues until the last player in the game has rolled the dice.

LRC Special Rolls

There are two special rolls in LRC that can be used to help you increase the amount of chips you have. The first is the "Left-Right-Center" roll, which is when all three dice show the same number. When this roll is thrown, the player can take one chip from any other player in the game. The second special roll is the "Center-Center-Center" roll, which is when all three dice show the same number and the number is a center number (3, 4, or 5). When this roll is thrown, the player can take two chips from any other player in the game.

Ending the Game

The game ends when a player has collected all of the chips in the game. That player is then declared the winner. It is also possible for the game to end in a draw if all players have the same amount of chips at the end of the game. The game can also end when all players have agreed to end the game.

Tips for Winning Left, Right, Center (LRC)

The most important thing to remember when playing LRC is to keep track of the chips. Knowing who has how many chips is key to winning the game. Try to pay attention to what the other players are doing, and try to take advantage of any opportunities you may have to snatch some chips.


Left, Right, Center (LRC) is a fun and fast-paced dice game that is fun for both children and adults. It is a great game to play if you are looking for something that is easy to learn and won't take too long to finish. With a little luck and some strategy, you can be the one to walk away with all the chips.

Some Pictures About Left, Right, Center Dice Game Rules

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