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Cornish Game Hens For Sale In The Uk

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Cornish Game Hens For Sale In The Uk

What are Cornish Game Hens?

Cornish game hens for sale in the UK are a type of small poultry, typically weighing less than 2 pounds when fully grown. They are a type of hybrid chicken, bred for the purpose of being a delicacy. Cornish game hens are a cross between a Cornish and a White Rock chicken, and have a unique flavor and texture that many people prefer to regular chicken. The birds are not specifically raised for any particular purpose, such as egg laying or as a pet, but instead are bred for the purpose of being eaten.

Where to Buy Cornish Game Hens in the UK

When looking for Cornish game hens for sale in the UK, one of the best places to start is your local supermarket. Most major supermarkets, such as Tesco, Sainsbury's and Asda, carry a wide selection of Cornish game hens. Additionally, smaller butchers and independent grocers often carry the birds as well. Additionally, there are a number of online retailers that sell Cornish game hens, including Amazon, which offers a large selection of the birds.

How Much Do Cornish Game Hens Cost?

The cost of Cornish game hens for sale in the UK varies depending on where you buy them and the size of the bird. Generally, you can expect to pay around £5-£10 for a single Cornish game hen, but prices can vary significantly. If you're buying from a butcher or independent grocer, you can often get a discount for buying a larger quantity of birds.

How to Prepare Cornish Game Hens

When it comes to preparing Cornish game hens, there are many different recipes and methods you can use. One of the most popular ways to prepare the birds is to roast them in the oven. To do this, preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit, and then rub the birds with a mixture of olive oil, herbs, and spices. Place the birds in a roasting pan, and then bake for 1-2 hours depending on the size of the bird. You can also roast the birds on a grill, or even stuff them and bake them in the oven.

Tips for Cooking Cornish Game Hens

When cooking Cornish game hens, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, because of their small size, the birds cook quickly and can easily dry out if overcooked. Additionally, because the birds are small, it can be difficult to stuff them, so you should consider buying pre-stuffed birds from the store if you want to stuff them. Finally, Cornish game hens are a fatty bird, so you should consider baking them on a rack so that the fat can drip away while they cook.

Storing and Serving Cornish Game Hens

Once cooked, Cornish game hens should be stored in an airtight container and refrigerated. They will keep for up to three days in the fridge. When it comes to serving them, they are usually best served hot, but can also be served cold if desired. Additionally, they can be served with a variety of side dishes, such as potatoes, vegetables, and salads.


Cornish game hens for sale in the UK are a delicious and unique poultry option for people looking for something a little different from regular chicken. The birds are easy to find and relatively inexpensive, and can be prepared in a variety of ways. Whether you choose to roast them in the oven, grill them, or stuff them and bake them, Cornish game hens are sure to be a hit with your family and friends!

Some Pictures About Cornish Game Hens For Sale In The Uk

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