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My Hero Academia Card Game Rules: A Step-By-Step Guide

My Hero Academia Card Game Rules Academy Teachers
My Hero Academia Card Game Rules: A Step-By-Step Guide

My Hero Academia is one of the most popular anime series to come out in recent years. As its popularity has grown, so too have the number of fan-made games based on the series. One of the most popular fan-made games is the My Hero Academia card game. This card game is based on the characters and events of the series, and allows players to experience the events of the show in a new way.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the My Hero Academia card game rules. You’ll learn about the different types of cards, how to set up the game, and how to play. By the end of this guide, you’ll be ready to start playing the My Hero Academia card game with your friends.

The Cards

The My Hero Academia card game uses two types of cards: Hero cards and Villain cards. Hero cards feature characters from the series and their powers. When played, they provide special bonuses to the player. Villain cards feature the villains from the show and their abilities. When played, they can be used to hinder the other players.

Each card also has a point value associated with it. The higher the point value, the more powerful the card. Some cards have special abilities that can be used to boost their point value. The number of points required to win the game is referred to as the “victory threshold.”

Setting Up the Game

Before the game can begin, each player needs to set up their deck. The deck is made up of Hero and Villain cards and must be composed of at least 40 cards. The rest of the cards can be used as “wild cards” or to create a custom deck. Once the decks are set up, each player should shuffle their deck and draw five cards.

The game is played in rounds. At the start of each round, each player should draw two cards from their deck. The player who starts the round is known as the “active player.” The active player should then play one of their cards and choose a target for the card. The target can be any other player or themselves.

Playing the Game

Once the active player has chosen their target, the other players can choose to counter the card. If a counter is played, the active player must then choose a new target or discard the card. If the card is not countered, the target must then resolve the effects of the card. The active player then draws two cards from their deck and passes the turn to the next player.

The game continues until one player has reached the victory threshold. At this point, the player with the most points is declared the winner. If two or more players are tied for the most points, the game is a draw.

Strategy Tips

The My Hero Academia card game is a strategic game that requires players to think ahead and plan their moves. Here are a few tips to keep in mind when playing the game:

  • Pay attention to how other players are playing and plan your moves accordingly.
  • Save your strongest cards for the end of the game when points are most important.
  • Take advantage of your opponent’s weaknesses.
  • Be prepared for your opponent’s counter-moves.
  • Be patient and don’t be afraid to take risks.


The My Hero Academia card game is a fun and exciting way to experience the world of My Hero Academia. By following the rules and tips outlined in this guide, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a master of the game. So grab your decks and get ready to save the world!

Some Pictures About My Hero Academia Card Game Rules: A Step-By-Step Guide

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